Simple Slider

With 3-image display, you can display the left and right images. I have a banner that I want to appeal to, but I want to think of a better way to display it. Do you have any troubles such as wanting someone to notice and take a look at the next banner?With the simple slider, by changing the settings, you can easily change the settings such as displaying 3 images so that you can see the next image completely. I have a banner that I want to appeal to, but I want to think of a better way to display it. Do you have any troubles such as wanting someone to notice and take a look at the next banner?With the simple slider, by changing the settings, you can easily change the settings such as displaying 3 images so that you can see the next image completely. 更多 You can display 3 images so that you can see the next image completely! Even first-time users can easily change the settings! You can also customize the shape and color of the arrow!

开发者: Playbit Inc.(プレイビット)

定价: $3.55
