Change text direction
To apply the provided styles to your webpage, enclose them within a <style>
tag and insert this tag into the <head>
section of your HTML document after the following link to the main stylesheet:<link href="assets/css/theme.min.css">
让客户直接在客户账户页面查看和支付草稿订单。发送提醒。 客户无需翻阅电子邮件或使用单独的开票软件,他们可以通过查看自己的账户页面清楚地知道哪些发票尚未支付。点击一个按钮,他们就可以进入Shopify结账页面继续支付他们的发票。 让客户在其账户页面直接查看和支付未结草稿订单发票。 发送提醒以确保发票得到支付。查看发票被查看的时间 客户无需翻阅电子邮件或使用单独的开票软件,他们可以通过查看自己的账户页面清楚地知道哪些发票尚未支付。点击一个按钮,他们就可以进入Shopify结账页面继续支付他们的发票。 让客户在其账户页面直接查看和支付未结草稿订单发票。 发送提醒以确保发票得到支付。查看发票被查看的时间 更多 通过登录在客户账户页面查看和支付未结草稿订单。 发送自动电子邮件提醒未支付的发票。确保发票得到支付。 使用草稿订单创建估算并将其转换为已支付订单!
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Plugin Reviews
Finder overall rating
"Tried to install, but would not let me. Please reach out, would really love to try this app. It would be a huge help"
"This app was EXACTLY what we needed to remedy all of our issues with customers never receiving draft orders (which are price quotes for our custom products) via email, inadvertently deleting them or having to hunt them down in a saturated inbox. Now, they"
"This app was really helpful for our store. It solved the issue being able to invoice customers and our B2B stores by having outstanding draft orders easily viewable on the account page. Being able to send automated reminders also helps us get invoices pai"
"I installed this app almost a month ago and asked for help to get it implemented correctly as it currently doesn't work. "