titleFusion$360 臺灣金融科技股份有限公司
結合區塊鏈資訊不可竄改及不可否認特性,提供品牌企業於零售食用商品或製造業生產產品更透明的產銷資訊、第三方安全檢驗報告及高價品防偽等區塊鏈產品資訊溯源方案,通過生產歷程溯源流向管理及AI智能稽核等管理機制,提高消費安全與客戶信賴,提升企業品牌信任與價值。With blockchain advantages such as "irreversible" and "undeniable", we enable a platform for branded corporations in retail, food & beverage, agricultural and manufacturing to provide more transparent traceability data, third party examination reports, high value asset protection, and more blockchain product traceability solutions. Through traceability management, AI smart auditing and other management methods, we increase the transaction security and customer trust, and increase brand recognition and value of the brand. 支持品牌零售業企業、品牌連鎖加盟企業、經濟商圈及園區、或聯盟企業等發行自家品牌代幣,透過便捷、安全、快速與透明的代幣微支付功能,提供消費者無現金交易體驗;此創新支付方案整合電子商務平台應用,提供商品上下架功能並整合代幣及信用卡支付、物流計費、及銷售分析整合模組,協助成長型企業以低成本的方式快速邁入數位經濟時代,快速開店及展店,以區塊鏈打造品牌影響力,營造品牌企業生態圈代幣經濟。Enables brands in retail, chains and franchises, local economies, and corporate alliances issue their own branded token. Through fast, secure, and transparent token payment features in our solution, we provide consumers a great cashless purchase experience. Our innovative solution integrates E-commerce platform applications, inventory management, token payments, credit card support, logistics pricing, and sales analysis modules. Aiming to help growing companies stimulate their transition to digital economy with low costs, rapid growth and expansion. Using Blockchain to build brand influence, creating a surrounding ecosystem and token economy.
- 公司名称:Fusion$360 Co
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- 未知
- 2016-02-28
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