title顺康SungKhong - 马来西亚中药材补品连锁店, 全马最低价无硫磺药材,滋补海味,品质保证
《顺康 》 中药补品连锁店的宗旨致力于对人们的健康负责、注重生活品质的人群,提供健康、慢病管理等一站式健康服务。主要售卖无磺药材,海味补品,中药保健品,健康食品,坐月配套,凉茶,凉茶粉,鲍鱼、海参、燕窝、花胶、人参、干贝、各式中药材。等等。。。 Sung Khong is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Store in Malaysia. We are committed to providing one-stop health services such as health, chronic disease management, prescription prescribing, O2O services, and care programs to people who are responsible for their own and their families health and quality of life. We mainly sell sulfur-free herbs, marine food, TCM supplements, healthy food, confinement soup, herbal tea, herb's tea powder, etc. 顺康,马来西亚,怡保,药材店,线上网购中药保健品, 网上中药店,中药补品连锁店,网上药店, Sung Khong, Malaysia, Ipoh, Herb Store, Online Health Shop, Herbal Online Shop, TCM, Online Herb Shop, Herb Supplements Online, Natural Health Products
- 公司名称:e!oao Sung Khong
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- 未知
- 2016-06-29
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