titleWELBUS Automotive Electronics Limited - WELBUS l Bus & Coach Multimedia Solutions
WELBUS is China’s leading developer and provider of automotive entertainment and security solutions for buses, coaches and trucks, backed by long-term relationship with OEM bus and coach builders in Europe and South America, as well as professional distributors and dealers across the world. With a diverse range of audio, video, CCTV, TPMS, multimedia and much more, WELBUS delivers an optimal combination of convenience, entertainment and safety with its expansive series of audio-visual and safety devices to meet all customer-specific needs and to maximize the travelling experience both for the driver and passengers. With WELBUS, we take care of and protect the travelling and commuting welfare of your buses & coaches, and all people involved. That’s exactly what WELBUS stands for.
- 公司名称:Welbus Automotive Electronics Ltd
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- 未知
- 2015-08-30
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